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can dogs eat snow peas

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Can Dogs Eat Snow Peas

It’s common to want to share your favorite snacks with your beloved pup, but it’s important to know which human foods are safe for dogs. Among the questions that people often ask is, “Can dogs eat snow peas?” The answer might surprise you.

Snow peas notable as a vegetable related to green beans as well often used in stir-fries or eaten raw. These pods contain sugars, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, dietary fiber, and other nutrients that can be beneficial for humans. But can dogs eat them too?

The answer is yes. Snow peas generally considered safe for your pup! However, you should always be sure to feed them in moderation. As with any type of food that isn’t specifically made for pets, they may cause digestive upset if given too much at once or on a regular basis. To ensure your pup stays healthy and happy while enjoying their treat, only give them a single pea or two as an occasional snack.

Also important to note that snow peas cooked before feeding them to your pup. Raw snow peas can be difficult for dogs to digest due to their tough exterior. Finally, make sure the pods rinsed of any dirt or pesticides before feeding it to your pet!


Snow peas can be a tasty and nutritious snack for your pup when fed in moderation and cooked properly. Be sure to only give them one or two as a treat and make sure the pods have been washed thoroughly beforehand so they don’t ingest any dirt or pesticides. With these precautions in mind, you can feel confident giving your furry friend this healthy snack from time-to-time!

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