Green Chilli
Are a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. But before you can enjoy their piquant flavour, you need to know how to prepare them. Here’s a quick and easy guide on green chilli and how to do just that.
Additionally, wash the chilli thoroughly under running water. This will remove any dirt or debris that may be on the surface of the chillies. Slice off the stem end of the chillies using a sharp knife. You can also cut the chillies lengthwise if you prefer. Remove the seeds from the inside of the chillies. You can do this by slicing open the chili and scraping out the seeds with a spoon. If you want your dish to be less spicy, make sure to remove all of the seeds. If you want it to be more spicy, you can leave some of the seeds in. Dice the chillies into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the more evenly they will cook. Add the diced chillies to your dish and enjoy!
Finally, green chilli is a great way to add some spice to your cooking. But before you can enjoy their flavor, you need to know how to prepare them. Furthermore, with this quick and easy guide, you’ll be adding diced green chillies to your dishes in no time!
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