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How Long Do Onions Last
When it comes to shelf-life, onions boast impressive longevity. Nonetheless, their lifespan can vary significantly depending on a multitude of factors. Let’s dive in and uncover the secrets behind the longevity.
Freshly Harvested and Whole
Post-harvest, can last for several months if stored properly. They favour a cool, dry, dark place for optimum longevity. Furthermore, they need adequate air circulation, so mesh bags or loosely woven baskets are ideal storage containers. In such conditions, onions can last between two to three months.
Sliced or Chopped
However, once the onion is cut open, the longevity decreases significantly. Cut onions should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. If kept this way, they can last for seven to ten days. Remember, the aroma of onions is strong, and can seep into other foods if not sealed tightly.
Cooked Onions
On the other hand, when cooked, onions can last for about three to five days in the refrigerator. Once again, proper storage is key. They should place in a sealed container to prevent contamination from other foods. If you need to store them for longer, you can freeze them. Frozen cooked onions can last up to six months.
Signs of Spoilage
It’s essential to know the signs of spoilage too. Soft spots, mould, dark patches, or a sour smell are all indications that your onion has gone bad. Additionally, if the onion has started sprouting, it is a sign that it’s past its prime.
Freezing Onions
If you have an excess and you’re worried about them going bad, freezing is an excellent option. Chopped can freeze and used directly from the freezer for cooking. Their texture changes after freezing, making them unsuitable for raw consumption but perfect for soups, stews, or any cooked dish.
The Bottom Line
The longevity dictated by their form (whole, sliced, cooked) and storage conditions. They can last for months, while sliced or cooked have a significantly shorter shelf-life. Proper storage techniques can significantly extend their lifespan, with freezing offering a long-term option for preservation. Stay aware of signs of spoilage to ensure the quality of them, and enjoy the flavour and nutrition they bring to your meals.
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