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How Many Calories In a Tomato
Tomatoes are a common addition to salads and sandwiches as well as a common element in many dishes. However, did you ever wonder how many calories a tomato contains?
The short answer is that a medium tomato, which weighs about 150 grams, only has about 25 calories. Because they can enhance flavour and nutrition without dramatically increasing calorie intake, tomatoes are a fantastic option for anyone limiting their calorie intake.
Tomatoes are low in calories and abundant in important minerals including vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene, a potent antioxidant that has been associated with a lower risk of developing certain diseases.
Of fact, a tomato’s calorie count can change based on its size and level of maturity. For instance, a small cherry tomato might only have 3–4 calories, whereas a large beefsteak tomato might have up to 35.
The number of calories in tomatoes might also change depending on how they are prepared. For instance, a cup of tomato soup may have between 70 and 100 calories, depending on the ingredients and preparation. Similar to how a cup of diced tomatoes has about 32 calories, a tablespoon of tomato paste might have about 13 calories.
Although tomatoes have little calorie, some tomato-based foods, such ketchup and tomato sauce, can have high levels of added sugars and salt, which can greatly increase calorie and sodium intake. It’s crucial to read labels and select tomato-based products with the least amount of sugar and salt added.
Finally, tomatoes are a nutrient-rich and low-calorie supplement to any diet. They can enhance meals with flavour, colour, and nutrition. Whether consumed raw or cooked without dramatically increasing calorie consumption.
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