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how to eat prickly pear

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How to Eat Prickly Pear

Have you ever seen a prickly pear in the grocery store and wondered what it is? Prickly pears show a type of cactus fruit that have enjoyed for centuries. With their beautiful red, yellow, or purple color, packed with nutrition and offer a wide variety of uses. Here’s how to eat prickly pear safely and enjoy its delicious flavor.

Step 1: Choose the Right Fruit

When selecting a prickly pear, make sure the skin is firm and the color is bright and vibrant. Avoid fruits with blemishes or wrinkled skin since these may be overripe or spoiled. Also avoid any fruits with spines still attached—these will be too difficult to handle without getting stuck.

Step 2: Prepare Before Eating

Prickly pears need handling carefully as there can still be some small spines on the skin even after harvesting. To prepare them for eating, first turn the fruit on its side and slice off both ends. Then cut away the peel in thin strips until all of the peel has removed from the fruit (this process also known as “scalping”). Once peeled, check for any remaining spines before consuming it—you don’t want them getting stuck in your throat!

Step 3: Enjoy!

Now that you have peeled your prickly pear, it’s time to enjoy this delicious treat! You can eat it fresh right out of hand or add it to salads, smoothies, salsas, jams, sauces—the possibilities are endless! Prickly pears are also great when blended into juices or cocktails for a unique flavor experience.

Conclusion on How to Eat Prickly Pear

Prickly pears are an intriguing type of fruit that add a unique flavor and texture to many dishes. They take some extra care when preparing but once you know how to handle them properly it’s easy to enjoy this sweet treat!

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