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Is Pear Juice Good For Constipation
Constipation is an uncomfortable and frustrating condition that affects many people. While there are several over-the-counter medications available to treat constipation, some people prefer a more natural approach. One of the most popular home remedies for constipation is pear juice. But does it really work? Let’s take a look at what science has to say about this age-old remedy.
The Science Behind Pear Juice as a Constipation Remedy
Most of the scientific research on pear juices and its effects on constipation have been conducted on animals rather than humans. Studies have found that pear juice can help regulate bowel movements in mice, likely due to its high levels of dietary fiber and sorbitol, which is known to act as an osmotic laxative.
In one study, researchers gave mice doses of pear juice ranging from 10 mL/kg to 40 mL/kg body weight each day for seven days. The results showed that the group given 40 mL/kg had significantly increased fecal water content and stool weight. Compared to the control group, indicating that the higher dose was more effective in relieving constipation than lower doses or no treatment at all.
There are also some human studies that support pear juices as an effective remedy for constipation. In one randomized trial, participants given either 12 ounces (336 mL) of apple or pear juice daily for one week or no treatment at all. At the end of the trial period, those who consumed pear juice reported significantly fewer episodes of constipation per week. Compared to those who received no treatment or drank apple juice instead.
Overall, there is evidence that suggests drinking pear juices may be beneficial in relieving constipation symptoms in both humans and animals alike. If you’re looking for a natural way to relieve your occasional bouts of constipation. Then adding some fresh-squeezed pear juice into your diet may be worth considering! Be sure to check with your doctor before making any major changes in your diet though. Just to make sure it’s right for you!
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