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Mandarin Fruit – All You Need to Know
If you’re in the market for fresh, juicy mandarin fruit, there are a few things you should know about this sweet, citrusy treat. Whether you’re new to shopping for mandarins or an old pro, this article will give you all the information you need to make sure you purchase great-tasting fruit every time.
Varieties of Mandarin Fruit
The term “mandarin” encompasses several types of citrus fruits—and each one has its own unique flavor and texture. The most popular varieties are tangerines and clementines, although some grocery stores may also carry satsumas, ponkans and tangelos. Most mandarins have yellow skins and bright orange flesh, although clementines have reddish-orange peels and deep orange insides. Mandarins are usually smaller than oranges and easier to peel.
Picking Out the Best Fruit
When selecting your mandarin fruit, look for ones that feel heavy for their size and have a smooth skin that is free of blemishes or soft spots. Avoid any with green patches on the peel; this indicates that they were picked too early and will lack sweetness. Also, be sure to smell them before buying; those with fragrant peels tend to be juicier than those without any scent at all.
Storage & Shelf Life
If stored properly, fresh mandarins can last up to four weeks in your refrigerator—but it’s best to eat them as soon as possible after purchase so they don’t lose their flavor or texture over time. To maximize their shelf life, keep them in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator with plenty of air circulation around them. This will help prevent moisture buildup on the skin which can lead to mold growth.
Mandarins are a tasty addition to any diet. But it takes some practice to pick out the perfect ones every time! By using these tips when shopping for mandarin fruit. You can rest assured that your purchase will be delicious and juicy every single time. Happy shopping!
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