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Strawberry Jam
Making homemade jams is an easy way to preserve summer fruits for later use. Here are some tips on how to make delicious strawberry jam.
Start with Fresh Strawberries.
If you’re making strawberry jam, start with fresh strawberries. They should be firm and ripe, not soft or mushy. Wash them thoroughly before cutting off the stems. Cut each berry into quarters, then cut out the core using a small paring knife.
Wash them Well.
Rinse the berries under cold running water until the water runs clear. Drain well.
Cut off the Stems.
Place strawberries into a large bowl. Add sugar and lemon juice. Stir gently with a wooden spoon. Cover and let sit overnight.
Mash the Fruit.
Next day, mash the fruit using a potato masher or fork. Continue mashing until the mixture becomes thick and chunky.
Add Sugar.
Stir in sugar while continuing to mash. If you prefer a sweeter jam, add more sugar than called for in the recipe.
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