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Chelan Cherries & Everything to Know
Have you ever heard of Chelan cherries? If not, you’re in for a treat! This delicious and versatile fruit is grown in the sunny state of Washington and has established itself as one of the most popular cherry varieties. In this article, we’ll discuss the history, growing conditions, and uses of Chelan cherries so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to include them in your shopping list.
History Of Chelan Cherries
The Chelan cherry was first developed by horticulturalist-breeder Frank Skinner back in 1981. Skinner crossed two existing varieties—the Lapins and Van—to create this new type of cherry. He named it after the city where it is grown – Chelan, Washington – which is located on the eastern side of Lake Chelan near its outlet into the Columbia River.
Growing Conditions
Chelan cherries best suited to warm climates with long days of sunshine during their growing season. The trees need a minimum amount of chill hours (a period when temperatures dip below 45 degrees Fahrenheit) each winter to produce good fruit yields. The trees also require well-drained soil that is high in organic matter for optimal growth and production. Additionally, some form of pest control (such as spraying with insecticides) may be necessary to keep pests from damaging the fruit or foliage.
Uses Of Chelan Cherries
Chelan cherries enjoyed fresh off the tree or used in a variety of recipes such as pies, tarts, jams, jellies, cobblers, muffins, cakes and more! Also popularly used for making wine or liqueur due to their naturally sweet taste and pleasant aroma. As a bonus tip – you can freeze these cherries for up to three months without losing any flavor or texture!
A delicious and versatile type of cherry that used in all kinds of cooking applications! Grown under optimal conditions near Lake Chelan in Washington State. This cherry has become increasingly popular over time thanks to their unique flavor profile and sweet aroma.
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