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Corella – Information and Facts
Corella is a large, delicious fruit that looks like an apple but tastes like a pear. It’s native to the Mediterranean region and is one of the most popular fruits in Europe. In this blog post, we will explore the corella fruit and its benefits, plus offer helpful tips for buying and storing it.
The corella was first cultivated in Spain in the 1400s, when it was brought over from North Africa. It quickly spread throughout Europe and became a staple in many diets. Today, corellas grown in California, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile and Peru.
Nutrition Facts
Corellas are high in fiber and contain a good amount of vitamin C and potassium. They also provide small amounts of folate, iron and magnesium. The flesh is firm with a sweet flavor that is similar to pears but slightly tangier than apples.
How to Buy
When buying corellas at the grocery store or farmer’s market, look for ones that are heavy for their size with smooth skin free from bruises or blemishes. Avoid fruits that feel soft or have any sign of mold on them as these will be past their peak quality. For best flavor results, buy corellas that are slightly underripe as they will continue to ripen off the tree if stored correctly at room temperature until ready to eat or use in recipes. Storing them in the refrigerator can slow down the ripening process so keep them out on your countertop until ready to enjoy!
How To Use Corella
Corellas can be used fresh or cooked down into sauces or jams. When preparing them fresh, they can be eaten alone as a snack or added to salads as part of a nutritious meal. If cooking down into sauces or jams, you’ll need to peel off the skin before mashing up the flesh into desired consistency. They make great toppings for ice cream sundaes too!
Overall, corellas are an incredibly versatile fruit with plenty of nutrition benefits! Their sweet taste makes them perfect for snacking on their own or adding into recipes for extra flavor and texture. Be sure to buy only ripe corellas free from bruises for best flavor results.
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