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Facts About Ice Cream
Ice cream is a beloved treat that dates back centuries, but there’s much more to it than meets the eye. Here are some tasty facts about ice cream that you may not know. We’ll discuss the different kinds of ice cream, its origins, and who invented it.
Different Kinds
Ice cream comes in a variety of flavors and textures. For example, you have soft serve ice cream, which is made with an air-infused batter and served at a lower temperature than regular ice cream. Other popular types include gelato, frozen custard, French-style ice creams, and sorbets. There is no shortage of delicious flavors to choose from!
Origins of Ice Cream
The earliest known reference to “frozen desserts” dates back to around 200 BC in China. A recipe for a frozen mix of milk and rice was created by the Chinese during this time period. This early form of ice cream then spread across Asia before eventually making its way to Europe in the 1600s.
Who Invented Ice Cream?
The modern version of ice cream we know today was first invented by Francesca Parlangelli in Italy in 1768. She combined egg yolks, sugar syrup, and purified snow (which she collected from mountains) together to make her delicious creation! Her invention caught on quickly throughout Europe and eventually made way over to North America where enjoyed ever since.
Ice cream is one of the most popular treats around the world – but did you know its origin dates back centuries? We’ve discussed different kinds of ice cream, its origins, and who invented it so now you can impress your friends with your newfound knowledge about this classic dessert!
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