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Sparkling Water
Did you know that sparkling water was invented by accident? Sparkling water has been around for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 19th century that people started adding carbonation to water. The first commercial bottler of sparkling water was accidentally created when a man named Charles Elmer Hires mixed soda water with beer in 1876.
Where did it come from?
In the early 1800s, carbonated beverages were popular among the upper class. However, these drinks weren’t available to everyone because they required expensive equipment and ingredients. As a result, only wealthy people could afford them.
Why does it sparkle?
Carbon dioxide gas bubbles up through the liquid when it comes into contact with air. This process creates tiny droplets of CO2 that give sparkling water its characteristic fizz.
Who invented it?
In 1828, French chemist Louis Pasteur accidentally discovered carbonated water while experimenting with yeast cultures. He found that when he added sugar to the culture, the yeast produced carbon dioxide as a waste product. He then mixed the yeast with wine and left it to ferment. After several days, the wine had turned cloudy and tasted sweet. He realized that the cloudiness came from the carbonation of the wine.
When was it first sold?
It wasn’t until 1806 that people started selling bottled water. Before that, people drank spring water because it was considered healthier than drinking tap water. Bottled water became popular after the invention of the glass bottle.
Is it safe to drink?
Today, there are different ways to make sure that your water is safe to drink. First, you should check the expiration date on the bottle. If it has expired, throw it away. Second, you should avoid buying bottles with BPA (Bisphenol A). This chemical used to harden plastic and prevent it from breaking down. Third, you should only buy bottled water that comes from a reputable source.
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