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rice pudding

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Rice Pudding

There are many different types of rice pudding out there. Some are made with milk while others are made with water. The type of rice used in rice pudding will affect how thick the final product is. Thicker puddings tend to be creamier and sweeter.

But what makes this one so special?

This recipe uses brown rice instead of white rice. Brown rice has more fiber than white rice. Fiber helps keep blood sugar levels steady throughout the day. It also helps lower cholesterol levels.

This recipe uses brown rice instead of white rice.

To make this healthy dessert, combine 1 cup of uncooked brown rice, 2 cups of whole milk, ½ teaspoon cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon nutmeg, and 3 tablespoons of honey in a medium saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer until the liquid is absorbed, about 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for 15 minutes before serving.

The pudding has no added sugar or salt.

This recipe uses only natural ingredients and is free of gluten, dairy, refined sugars, and artificial sweeteners. It also contains fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

It contains only three ingredients.

You will need just 3 ingredients to make this healthy dessert. All you need is 1 cup of uncooked white rice, 2 cups of water, and 1/2 cup of sugar. Cook the rice according to package directions. Once cooked, add the remaining ingredients and stir until combined. Serve immediately.

It’s gluten free.

This recipe is also dairy free and vegan friendly. If you’re looking for a healthier version of traditional rice pudding, try making this one instead!

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